The Hieromartyr Zenobius (Zinoviy) the Bishop of Egeia and His Sister Saint martyr Zenobia (Zinovia)

(† 285)

October 30th (November 12th old calendar)


The Priest Martyr Zenobios, Bishop of Egeia, and his sister Zenobia from the town of Aegae in Cilicia, they inherited the true Faith and great material wealth from their parents. Inflamed with zeal for the Faith, they, with great love, gave away their riches to the poor. Because they were so open-handed, God shielded these hands from every evil intent by men or demons. The merciful hands of Zenobius, which gave to the poor, were endowed by God with the gift of wonderworking, so that Zenobius was able to heal the sick. And he was chosen bishop of a Christian community in Cilicia. In the dignity of bishop, Saint Zenobios zealously spread the Christian faith among the pagans. When the emperor Diocletian (284-305) began a persecution against Christians, Bishop Zenobios was the first one arrested and brought to trial to the governor Licius. The judge Licius seized him and said: 'I offer you the two: life and death life if you bow down to the gods, and death if you do not.' Holy Zenobius replied: 'Life without Christ is not life, but death; and death for Christ's sake is not death, but life.' When Zenobius was put to harsh torture, his sister presented herself before the judge and said: 'I also want to drink this cup of suffering and be crowned with that wreath.' By the power of the Lord they remained alive after torture on a red-hot cot and in a boiling kettle. The saints were then beheaded with the sword in about 285, and thus brother and sister entered into the immortal Kingdom of Christ the King. Presbyter Hermogenes secretly buried the bodies of the martyrs.